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Hi, welcome to the happiness - diary + todo list testing family

Happiness - a robust todo list and diary that allows you to see how your past experiences will reflect on your future ones. Track your life experiences via diary entries. Tag people, things, and locations in them and start building a database of what you like and don't like. Then using the todo list you can see how the things you are going to do will make you feel based on your past diary entries. All of your data is stored in the cloud, so you can sign into multiple devices and have your data follow you with no hassle. Plus all the features are available to you - no subscriptions or premium payments needed! Features List - Robust diary that allows you to upload images and tag entries with location, people and things. - Rate each diary entry on a scale of 1 to 10 to record how happy that experience made you - Send diary entries to your friends via your preferred sharing option on your device - Feature rich todo list with multiple date options, reminders, tagging, and categorization - Search all of your tags to see how happy they made you - Calendar search to see your diary entries and completed todos for that day

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